In-person worship is the central activity in the life of the Church. We gather in God's Name-- in the promises God mad to us in baptism-- and God strengthens us with His Word and sacraments. In the process, we are sanctified to live holy lives as we return to our home/work/community.
We have one service at 9:00 a.m. with Bible study and Sunday school following from approximately 10:15-11:15 (September through May).
Our worship is liturgical. It is best described as 'relaxed yet reverent'. If you have wiggly young children, you will be in good company. In fact, please consider that the routine of the liturgy can make worship more accessible for young children? They can begin to learn to participate from a surprisingly early age. The weekly elements like the creeds, the songs used in the liturgy, the "Hear our prayer" responses to each petition in the prayers of the church, and the Lord's Prayer, for example, make it easy for them to learn and take part. Our worship service is for them, as well.