What to Expect

What to Expect

Worship Style

St. Paul remains connected to the people of God throughout the ages through our worship. We cherish the ability to join our voices to theirs, adding select music from our own day to the timeless songs of God's people that have been passed down from generation to generation. 

Our worship reflects our understanding that, through this special gathering that we call 'worship' God Himself comes and serves us. He is truly present in His Word and Sacraments, giving us the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. As a result, we approach God with reverence, as reflected in our dress and in our liturgical worship. 

You won't hear sermons about how to be a better parent, spouse, or worker. You'll hear only the pure, gospel of Jesus Christ crucified for you that sets us free to love and honor God every day. We take seriously our Lord's command to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them to cling to all that He taught.

Children in Worship

Don't be misled! Many parents worry that their children will be put off or bored by liturgical worship. The reality is that the liturgy is one of the most child-friendly ways to worship. Think about it: Which is easier for you to pick up, a pattern that changes each week or one that stays consistent? It's amazing how even the youngest children can learn and very quickly take part in the worship life of the church. If you sit toward the front, they'll even be able to see and feel more a part of what's going on.

Although our membership is made up of people from the full range of ages, you'll see many other families with young children worshipping with us on any given Sunday. We treasure the opportunity to have even the little children gather with us to receive God's gifts. 

Receiving Holy Communion

We invite all who are members of congregations of The Lutheran Church-- Missouri Synod, or church bodies that are in fellowship with The LCMS, to receive the Lord's Supper with us. Those who do not share our confession of faith are invited to speak with the pastor after the service to learn more about being instructed toward the reception of this precious gift.
